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My Real Way conference was held in Milan

On May 12, 2018 in Milan the1st My Real Way conference for physicians was held: 
"Modern technologies for prevention and treatment of diseases using peptide bioregulators "My Real Way"

At the conference the new multi-purpose complex PROTECTIONplus for prevention and complex therapy of oncology diseases and other neoplasm was  officially launched. Several presentations and reports were made during the day, which have passed to the open disscussion of the most topical questions from the audience.  

Welcome speech to the participants of Alessandro Bertolissi, medical physicist, biotechologist, homeopathist, one of the top managers of “Immuno Plus” company (distributor of My Real Way in Italy), opened the conference. 
Dr.Antonio Sacco made a presentation on «The role of peptides in prevention and treatment of diseases» 

Therapist and rehabilitation specialist from Moscow (Russia) Marina Kukharuk shared the results of her practical experience in using My Real Way bioregulators in therapy.
"Programs of complex prevention of oncology diseases using multi-purpose complex PROTECTONplus" were  presented by the author - Irina Savitskya, candidate of medical sciences, member of the European academy of natural sciences, head physician of the state hospital in St.Petersburg (Russia). 

All participants of the conference were very active and asked many questions. Of a particular interest were the questions related to the principle of peptide bioregulation of cell, the differences and advantages of My Real Way cell bioregulators from other bioregulators, as well as recommendations for compilation of individual programs for prevention and peptide therapy of various diseases. 

Both participants and speakers were satisfied with the results of the conference, and we are delighted that Italian physicians have already started recommending and prescribing our bioregulators to their patients.

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